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Update: Dead Sea Salts for Psoriasis

February 26, 2011


A little while back, we told you about some great Dead Sea products that worked for us. Since then, you've been telling us how they've been working for you, and The Daily Mail has just published an article on how effective Dead Sea Salts are at treating (they say curing?!) psoriasis. It looks like we may be on to something!

Dead Sea Skincare Miracles (Eczema, Acne & Psoriasis Sufferers Take Note!)

February 10, 2011


Thanks to eczema-sufferer Amanda we've gone off-topic slightly to try out some fabulous Dead Sea skincare products that we don't actually sell. We've been so impressed that we've decided to rave about them in public. Eczema, psoriasis, acne & dry skin sufferers take special note - these are worth trying and, unlike most online 'snake oil', you can read the reviews buy them direct from!